
July 25, 2008

Moving From Secularism To Religious Irrelevance

Filed under: opinions,Random,religion,Truth of India — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 1:52 pm
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Anjali Ashok writes for SACHINITI.

I read an article by Mr. Riaz on one of the blogs I happened to visit recently.

It was a great read and a very insightful analysis about the progress and evolution made by India in recent years. The author mentioned various reasons like the establishment of IITs, democracy, education system, the strengths of the Indian entrepreneur etc. Nevertheless, I felt one major point which Mr Riaz failed to point out was that besides the democratic model and a strong political system it is the secular fabric and the religious “irrelevance” which has been responsible for the progress of the country. (more…)

July 17, 2008

Life Is Somewhat Like Coffee….

Filed under: Chicken Soup For The Soul,opinions,Random — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 2:03 pm
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Life is somewhat like Coffee.. you got to acquire a taste for it !

And you have to work mighty hard in brewing up a perfect mug..much like life again. Not my cup of tea coffee.. you may say.. this humungous fuss over a cuppa. So we settle for the quick to make, easy to use,  one minute Nescafe. (more…)

July 14, 2008

Shinjini Sengupta – A 16 Year Old Victim of Reality Shows

Kaveetaa Kaul

We as a society are degenerating into cynics and getting to be voyeuristic by the minute. Nothing reflects this better than the reality shows fast becoming the hottest serials on air. What are these reality shows? Just a documentation of tears and fears of vulnerable participants, frustrated judges venting and heightened drama thus staging a SHOW that keeps India enthralled ..I know I know.. it happens in the west too and in fact is a copy paste of those shows. (more…)

July 8, 2008

Vincent Van Gogh

Filed under: Of men women and Eunuchs,opinions,Random — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 4:12 pm
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I felt the urge to share with you all this fantastic power point presentation Of Vincent Van Goghs paintings set to a divine melody..have your speakers on.

I confess I can hardly term myself a connoisseur in the world of Art but VVGs paintings move me beyond words. I suspect it has to do with having read his autobiography ‘ Lust For Life’. It is a book which provides such touching insights into the life and times of VVG. An artist whose works of Art are treasured as a national heritage and sold for millions of dollars committed suicide due to rejection and poverty. (more…)

July 7, 2008

The Yogi Who Has Not Eaten For 70 Years

Prahlad Jani who prefers to a called ‘Mataji’..notice the red sindoor in his hair parting, tikka, ornaments and red clothes,

Watched awestruck the unfolding of a story on IBN live yesterday that informed about the presence of a Yogi in Gujarat ,  Prahlad Jani, who claims to have not eaten a morsel of food or drunk a sip of water since the last 70 years.

It came as no surprise though. Mention of such ‘miracle men’ in the ‘Autobiography Of A Yogi” helped. (more…)

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