
January 23, 2009

Of Slumdog Millionaire, Oscars And India

Freida Pinto Slumdog Millionaire actress- photograph by Ryan Martis

Freida Pinto Slumdog Millionaire actress- photograph by Ryan Martis

So Slumdog Millionaire has achieved a wondrous feat..nominations in 10 categories by the piously revered Oscar jury and won 7 (updated)! What a celebration of misery.

That India, specifically Mumbai has been portrayed belly up, replete with gamines bathed in poo, eyes gorged out by devilish beggar mafia, frenetic religion dominated outbreaks and filth, shot through hidden cameras, as revealed by Danny Boyle himself, is but a miniscule detail. Dont be silly ..stop fretting! We ought to kick our feet, jump sky high in utter glee now that India has been finally acknowledged by the divine Oscars as a country that is deserved of existing on the cinematic global map…

India Oscars Slumdog

Residents of a nearby slum demonstrate outside the office of Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor, one of the main casts of the movie �Slumdog Millionaire,� demanding that the name of the film be changed, in Mumbai, India, Thursday, Jan. 22, 2009. Two dozen slum kids carried banners of protest Thursday, saying they were not slum dogs and demanded a change in the name of the award-winning movie “Slumdog Millionaire.” (AP Photo)

Srk and sex sell in India..true. RNBDJ a glaring example of the formers star value , the latter pervades every avenue of marketing. What is the sine qua non for global success..Indias poverty. Ask Mira Nair (nothing personal…she is one of the most talented Directors of Indian review of Namesake) Now Slumdog millionaire. Oh I know the snort that greets such averments by the liberal brigade who are  stridently invading every media channel proclaiming, democracy, freedom of expression, truth-portrayed and all of that.  I snort back in answer. (more…)

January 20, 2009

19 years to the 19th day of 1990: Exodus of Kashmiri Pandits

Filed under: India n Me,opinions,personal,Random,This Gets To Me,Truth of India — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 8:41 am

Aditya Raj Kaul sent me this poignantly moving piece . Yes it is time we were awakened from our slumber and reminded of the grim reality. Kashmiri Pandits mercilessly terrorised and compelled to evacuate their homes while the administration sat back quoting incapability. The numbers of Pandits were not as many to evoke a nation wide stir. Wonder what would have been the situation had Muslims been made to scurry away from thier home towns! We all know the answer.


By Aditya Raj Kaul

I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day

What hours, O what black hours we have spent…

– Gerard Manley Hopkins

19th January 1990. Kashmir was breathing still; Kashmiri Pandits lay hidden like frightened pigeons in their own nest. Today on behalf of my fellow brothers and sisters, I wish to revisit the pain of my separation from my own home 19 years ago, when the cruel hands of Allah-Wallahs butchered members of my community for being idol worshipers, for rejecting the call for unholy jihad and for siding with their own nation India. (more…)

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