
September 23, 2010

Indian Government’s Common Wealth

Filed under: India n Me,Random,This Gets To Me,Truth of India — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 10:50 am

India has done it again. No longer cryptic but out in the open the shameful ineptitude of the Government. You see, the common wealth garnered by the ministers who pass the tenders allocating responsibility to private companies has led to the debacle of the Commonwealth arrangements.

Palaver will follow now to appease the less cynical amongst us. Not only is there complete and stubborn silence explaining to the Indian just why one catastrophe follows another in the arrangements of the CW, but Sheila Dixit the oft elected CM of Delhi was heard on National Television saying things to the effect ‘ Things happen but yeh aapka desh hai.. aap kyun burra bhala bol rahe hain;!! (more…)

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