
April 14, 2007

Its Vaisakhi !

Filed under: opinions — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 9:23 am

Its the official ‘New Year’ for North Indians.. Mumbai is quiet..Gone are the days of dhol and celebrations.

Buffets across the city.. the sole reminder..sigh..

Post and comments

April 10, 2007

I can Waak Engliss..I CanTaak Engliss..

Filed under: India n Me,Just For Laughs,opinions — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 11:11 pm
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Care for some “Child Bear”..hic?!!


For the benefit of those who’re scratching their chins in befuddlement ..non’Hindi speaking readers..Our friend in Bihar was soliciting ‘chilled beer ‘ enthusiasts 🙂

And …ummm.. the title ..think ‘Namak Halal’ and AB..and the cricket commentary depicting Vijay Hazaare..That brilliant scene written by Surendra Kaul ..AAhh..they dont make legends like these any more!!

April 7, 2007

Comrade-In-Alms: Beggars In Mumbai Own Duplexes

Filed under: India n Me,Mumbai,opinions,Truth of India — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 12:11 pm
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Kaveetaa Kaul

If you have to keep your wits about you, then adopt a tongue-in cheek stance to news..this has been a mantra I have recently adopted. Getting incensed over incestuous rapes, paedophilia, murders is is their occurrence. Sometimes one anaesthetises oneself into a zombie like state, murmurs ‘it happens’, or filmi style ‘ bade bade shahron mein aisi chhoti chhoti baatein aksar hoti rehti hain’ ( Relax! In big cities, small things such as this, keep happening) and with a wave of the hand , shrugs it off.

Mostly, one writes of it, expresses disgust, pleads for support, even if verbal, increases awareness, and sends a silent prayer to the heavens to ‘Stop This S&*^” for Your sake.

And then, once in a while, one is taken aback with news of the kind, that confounds you as to appropriate reaction. For me it resulted in a regaling half hour, bemusedly sponging in details, displaying blatant predilection over Page three/entertainment.sports/since it was a unique amalgamation … Beggars owning duplexes in Mumbai was so far just an inane piece of gossip floating around (more…)

April 5, 2007

Another Candle Snuffed Out..

Filed under: Chicken Soup For The Soul,Our Festivals,personal — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 2:10 pm

… guessed right.. birthday yesterday.

What is it about this day that gets you into ‘reflection mode’?


Amidst the roses and cakes ( black forest with its creamy spongy, layers) prayers offered and blessings received, the day was spent in lighthearted frolicsome banter. Perhaps to re-invent the charisma of childhood years when regular, fervent, announcements were made almost a month preceding the 4th of April, so as to circumvent, eschew any room for forgetfulness/misunderstanding.. (more…)

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