
August 25, 2008

Adultery – A Growing Reality

A random query inviting responses is making its rounds on Facebook presently worded in this fashion’ Woman needs a reason to be unfaithful.. Man needs but.. a woman”. True..I’d say. Not meaning to generalise yet  concurrence is mandatory even if mordant.

A childhood friend, lets call her A, from as far back as school times is presently in a state of shock. Her marriage of 24 years is facing a nightmarish challenge. Having lived a life replete with luxuries and peace, harmony and joy for so long,makes matters worse. Why now? This was the time men return to home to roost.. and she had just discovered that her husband had been having an affair for the past couple of years.

Glaring signs  had made their presence felt for some time now. She had confided in me that she was often embarassed at her husbands sudden lecherous ways. (more…)

August 18, 2008

Bigg Boss 2 Is On

Never has the incipience of nemesis been proven as potently as with the inclusion of Jade Goody in this BIGG Boss season 2 with Shilpa Shetty now as Boss when not so long ago the latter faced racial attacks of the crassiest level from the former at the Big Brother counterpart where Shilpa was a mere inmate. That it helped catapult Shilpa into a league of a Superstar internationally softens the incident drastically. (more…)

August 7, 2008

The Heavens Are Smiling Down On You

Filed under: opinions — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 9:51 am

The chances of an occurrence such as this is one in a million with a photographer present to capture the moment in all its glory. Amazing!! Also because its nice to be ressured once in a while that all is well with the world if we choose to view it so 🙂

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