
June 29, 2006


Filed under: Ahem Ahem cough cough,personal — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 1:24 pm

To look upon life as a friend which has stood you in good stead, backing you on the ‘ups’ and supporting you on the ‘downs, has its advantages. It never fails to provide you with reason to reinforce your faith in the truism of this tangibly elusive affirmation.

On my way to work and in between deadlines received this mail, by this truly amazing writer..Swati,informing me of my story, sent a while back, published on the NDTV website,by process of elimination

Hi Kaveetha,

Just a quick one to let you know that I was overwhelmed by your composition
eulogizing your dad. I lost my father in Nov 2000, quite unexpectedly as
well and I was in Delhi then completing my Grad. But i do remember that car
journey to dehradoon where I knew I’d have to go and face the inevitable and
pinching myself hard every few minutes hoping as hell that this would be a

Life’s amazing isnt it. We all think our parents will be there forever and
you feel almost embarrased of being robbed of them. It feels like God’s put
you in the naughty corner and all eyes are on you feeling sorry.

Your writing is brilliant and I felt like you were putting in words what i
feel when I see my mum being brave for us two girls.

I pray for your Dad and am sure he’d be very proud of you. Here’s wishing
your mum and yourself alll the best for the future.

Warm wishes,

Thanks Swati..There is nothing more fulfilling than the sound of your echo resounding in anothers’ heart.

The pain of losing a parent was brilliantly put in her words.. “It feels like God’s put you in the naughty corner and all eyes are on you feeling sorry.”

Story published on NDTV

June 28, 2006

For R.D. Burman..On His Birthday.

Filed under: Most Read,Of men women and Eunuchs,opinions,personal — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 12:15 pm
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Kaveetaa kaul


“The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.”

Music is a passion that has catapulted me into realms of bliss and ecstasy at even the most despondent of times.

Among the ones who deserve special mention and a huge Thanks is Rahul dev Burman.. His art lives on and will continue forever..however cliched that may sound.

Memory is a clever maybe the relative of truth but not its twin. (more…)

June 26, 2006

Triumph-Advantage Elephant

Filed under: personal,This Gets To Me — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 11:06 pm

Have you noticed that we as humans have this tendency to break  something digestible so that we can manipulate it with our minds? Not realising that the riske heuristic has the ability to close our minds. Any interruption becomes annoyance. A fertile enough ground to breed attitudes debilitating progress.

As if breaking out of the reverie, driving down a highway, far into the wilderness, braked (more…)

June 25, 2006

Pakistan India- Blow Hot Blow Cold

Filed under: India n Me,opinions — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 6:50 am

The Great Indian laughter challenge, as the name indicates, is one of a kind, currently in its second series.

This time there was a motley crowd of participants including those from Pakistan. Talent on both sides of the border is unmistakable. To top it our sensibilities match. No surprise there considering there is little or no difference in language, habits, culture and ethnicity. (more…)

June 23, 2006

Hello world!

Filed under: Random — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 7:02 pm

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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