
February 23, 2010

Chicken Soup For The Indian Romantic Soul

This is my fifth year into blogging. Life as a blogger has been rewarding both spiritually and emotionally. Spiritually because it re inforced my belief in the link /cord we all seem bound with, epitomised by the fact that those I have never met appear to be closely connected via a few taps on my keyboard  expressing my thoughts which resonate with a few from all corners of our world on Planet Earth.

Emotionally rewarding..very much so. Take this instance. On my fathers death anniversary since tears wouldnt flow, anguish took the form of a post which depicted the most enchanting and sublime Love story I had personally experienced and witnessed. The love story shared by my parents Dr. Chandar Oberoi and Promilla Oberoi.

Some time back the editor of the Chicken Soup series Raksha Bharadia mailed me her reactions to the story which she read on her own and requested for it to be published in the book.

On February 14th Valentine day the book ‘ Chicken Soup For the Indian Romantic  soul’ was released with my story among the others which make it an unforgettable, heart wrenching read. I am humbled that the story of my parents love has thus been engraved for posterity in the minds of all who read that book. It gives me immense peace coupled with a heartfelt gratefulness to the workings of the Divine spirit.

Please do pick up a copy…you wont regret it.

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March 30, 2009

Its Election Time = Tamasha Time

Kaveetaa Kaul

Published in Mumbai Mirror

Read this post at Merinews

Posted at Rambhai

Perforce one is subjected to a media frenzy over politicians antics. Taking center stage once every five years the garrulous species having  sharpened their claws , honed their insolently obdurate personalities with well oiled platitudes and winning comments, they awaken each morning presumably armed to their teeth with practised machinations eagerly awaiting the glare of lights and the  whizz of a camera, while we the susceptible, confused, vulnerable often cynical audience watch on…(hopefully) unmoved. (more…)

March 27, 2008

SACHINITI – No 1 Growing WordPress Blog

Filed under: Ahem Ahem cough cough — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 11:35 pm
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Wow!! That is cool. To be in the number one slot worldwide on WordPress..what more could one possibly ask for thats getting mushy and unecessarily emotional…sigh..

..In the lonely life of a blogger..Oh stop that crap K..we’ve heard enough of that..

Posting the link just i case you are the disbelieving, suspicious, kind..


November 12, 2007

Awarded… And Passed On To A Few Of The Best Bloggers


Kaveetaa Kaul

Since I have been graciously awarded the above by Mapiprincesa , felt it would be in the propriety of things to carry it forward. Hedonism as a philosophy is highly contagious.

Although Mapiprincesa grandly made her choice from among the blogosphere globally(wow) I am nominating five bloggers from our desi sphere ..’Kyunki dil hai hindustani’. I think the under mentioned ‘roaaaaaarrrr’ well enough to be heard and applauded. They are encouraged to add the above image on to their website, nominate their ‘five’ and keep the roarrrr alive in the blogging safari. (more…)

August 31, 2007

A Decade After Diana


Kaveeta Kaul

This blog has been linked to by

Today is the tenth death anniversary of Princess Diana and the euphoria continues as fervently with no signs of abating. A memorial sevice that had been in the news for a while since Camilla Prince Charles present wife and the ‘third person’ referred to by Diana in her marriage had been invited by Dianas sons.

Camillas inclusion had shocked and appalled many at the time. I had written of it as well in indignation, with no intention of masking the antipathy, wondering how on earth could Camilla be a part of the ceremony in memory of Diana despite being someone who had played a pivotal role in her misery. (more…)

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