
September 30, 2008

Navratris Are Here’

Update 4th October 2008: Ashtami is on 7th Oct. This is the day of “KANJAK” when 1,or 3,5,7,9 little girls are fed with halwa, puri, kaala channa, potato curry and boondi raita, along with either a chunri or cash. Symbolic of the nine av tars of Mata Durga, we worship the girls by washing their feet, tying a mauli around their wrists and they in turn apply tikka to the head of the family and tie a mauli around his wrist.

Cannot control some morbid thoughts that overtake my senses. Its all very well to worship your own daughters or those of others, even a servants child, on a festival such as this all in the pious (?) hope of winning over Mata Lakshmi and invoking her blessings. But the other 364 days of the year are spent either aborting a female child or burning brides or selling ones daughters into prostitution. What a bunch of criminal hypocrites we Indians can be…!!! Okay.. I am done now with my rant.

Its time again..One of my favourite festivals Navratri or nine(nav) nights (ratri) spent in propitiation, music and dance,commences today. “Mother” as Goddess in the form of Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati, is worshipped as the primal source of energy. Colour, revelry and festivity take on a tint unparalleled with any other Indian festival .

“Durga Puja’ in Bengal , corresponds with Navratri elsewhere. Ma Durga is worshipped for nine days, and immersed on the tenth, after having, as legend goes, vanquished the demons or ‘rakshasas’. Perhaps this is meant to subtly advise us to conquer the demons of anger, jealousy, pride, greed and seek Mother Durgas help in doing so.

“Garba” or “raas” as dance forms are pre-dominantly Gujarat centric. However, now that Navratri has grown to become one of the most awaited festivals nationally, garba and raas too have joined the ranks of popular dance forms, as Bhangra.

Just how innovative were our ancestors can be gaged when analysing the origins of ‘garba’.


“A “GARBO” is an earthen pot with holes all around and “Light” within which signifies (more…)

September 15, 2008

A Reminder : Shraadh

Filed under: Chicken Soup For The Soul,opinions — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 12:09 pm
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Update: 2009 Shraadh begins on 5th September to 18th Sept in India. For USA and Canada Shraadh began yesterday 1.e. 4th Sept.

Shraadh or Pitrapaksh begins today, ending on 29th September, leading  on to Navratri.

Lifes most memorable moments are often those spent in the company of a dear one who has imperceptibly left an indelible mark in our journey. When they are snatched away by death”s steely clasp, we are left behind to mourn and grieve, not just for their death but what died within us in their loss.

Whilst tainting every joyous occasion with suffering in remembrance is not advisable, our sages therefore in their wisdom, appointed a certain time of the year to honour them. This period of 16 days which begins today, is known as ‘Shraadh’ or Pitrapaksh” . It is recommended that new ventures, business, or clothing not be bought during the length of Shraadha. Instead, depending on the ‘tithi’ or day of death, according to the hindu calendar, corresponding to that day, among the 16, ceremonies involving charity be performed, in remembrance of the departed souls, as also to pray for their well-being, to whatever realm they may have progressed .

I am not a religiously ritualistic individual like most others. Yet there are certain ceremonies which seem in consonance with even a cynical questioning mind. If one day in a year be devoted to praying for those who have helped shape our lives, given it a form which has enriched us, then it is but a negligible step to repay our indebtedness to them, pray for their salvation, while at once seeking their blessings.

Tears seem just a drop of nothingness, even if arisen from the depths of a bereaved soul. (more…)

Save Troy Davis From Execution ( Updated)

Filed under: Random,This Gets To Me — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 11:01 am

Update 21st Sept 2008: Kavita Chhibber speaks with Troy just days before his scheduled execution. Guys its just too traumatic for words.. Please act now!! Click on link at Kavitas site.. Thanks!!

Kavita Chhibber sent me this piece pasted below, written passionately elaborating how an innocent man is doomed to execution on 23rd September. Troy Davis’s case and his subsequent plea for clemency has taken Georgia by storm, with various organisations, citizen groups even songs being dedicated to espouse the cause of saving his life.Time is running short.

Troy Davis..In his own words. .painful!!

Read on and write to the parole provided in the article. Thanks.

Between Life and Execution: The Troy Davis Story

His name is Troy Anthony Davis and he is a Black man from Savannah Georgia on death row for close to 20 years. I’m neither pro nor anti-death penalty. I believe it should be decided on the case by case basis. And this is one case where I believe that this man does not deserve to die.

This is a story of what can possibly happen to you and me if we were to end up in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Add a screwed up legal system, and a dash of racism, and it could be a life in a maximum security prison, with years of no redemption.

But, don’t go by his name and the color of the skin. Read this story also because it could be that one time, your activism may be the difference between life and death. (more…)

September 8, 2008

Competition…Airline Ishtyle

A rare sense of humor displayed on hoardings at Bandra these days..bound to evoke a giggle.

It all began with this


September 2, 2008

Indian Women Top Forbes List Of Worlds Wealthiest Inheritors.

Its raining money on three Indian women Vanisha Mittal daughter of Lakshmi Mittal, Isha Ambani daughter of Mukesh Ambani and Pia Singh daughter of K.P.Singh are the top three on the Forbes list of worlds wealthiest inheritors! That they happen to be women is only a happy coincidence..or is it pre ordained? Bravo to the fathers who discarded all bias of sons vs daughters thereby morally, legally, ethically proving a glaring point. On a lighter note..”kudiyon ka hai zamaana”..

An aside.. will this prove to be a deterrent for the female infanticide obsessed India ? Am I jumping the gun here in hoping that perhaps this is a sign from the Almighty to STOP this debauchery or will this have no telling on insouciant mindsets? Such Hypocrisy. While we worship  Mother Goddess Lakshmi as the harbinger of wealth, prosperity, abundance, a female manifeststion as daughter or wife  is reason to be aborted or charred to death. How can they imagine that the Goddess would shower here benevolence on such ignorant minds?

Breathing deeply…pause..Getting back on track.. (more…)

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