
February 23, 2010

Chicken Soup For The Indian Romantic Soul

This is my fifth year into blogging. Life as a blogger has been rewarding both spiritually and emotionally. Spiritually because it re inforced my belief in the link /cord we all seem bound with, epitomised by the fact that those I have never met appear to be closely connected via a few taps on my keyboard  expressing my thoughts which resonate with a few from all corners of our world on Planet Earth.

Emotionally rewarding..very much so. Take this instance. On my fathers death anniversary since tears wouldnt flow, anguish took the form of a post which depicted the most enchanting and sublime Love story I had personally experienced and witnessed. The love story shared by my parents Dr. Chandar Oberoi and Promilla Oberoi.

Some time back the editor of the Chicken Soup series Raksha Bharadia mailed me her reactions to the story which she read on her own and requested for it to be published in the book.

On February 14th Valentine day the book ‘ Chicken Soup For the Indian Romantic  soul’ was released with my story among the others which make it an unforgettable, heart wrenching read. I am humbled that the story of my parents love has thus been engraved for posterity in the minds of all who read that book. It gives me immense peace coupled with a heartfelt gratefulness to the workings of the Divine spirit.

Please do pick up a copy…you wont regret it.

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February 5, 2010


Filed under: Of men women and Eunuchs,personal,Random,Relationships — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 6:18 pm
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Today is the birth anniversary of my father-in-law late Shri Surendra Nath Kaul. Many know him as the writer of ‘Namak Halal’, few others recognise him as the first cousin of the late Raaj Kumar. To my husband and me he was just ‘Dad’..our hero.

I miss him dearly. A friend who over endless cups of tea gave me the most enchanting, delightful. enlightening stories that enriched my life and made me look up to him with awe and wonder. A huge personality who lived life on his own terms, looking it squarely in the face and facing it all on the chin.May his soul rest in everlasting peace.

Please read my husbands tribute to him here.

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