
January 27, 2012

Swami Kriyanandas Mumbai Book Launch Of Biography On Paramhansa Yogananda – A Huge Success

                                                                           Swami Kriyananda

January 8th 2012. .The chosen date for Swami Kriyanandas book launch in Mumbai of his Biography on Paramhansa Yogananda, his Guru, at the Jamshed Bhabha Auditorium, was for the Mumbai and Pune team of us devotees,  a challenge of sorts. It was Swami jis first ever public discourse in Mumbai. In the current scenario of ‘brokers’ who in the garb of religiosity peddle their wares with gusto, aggressive marketing, no holds barred publicity campaign, would Swamijis underplayed, unassuming, simple personality reach across to the souls of the real spiritual seekers in Mumbai, ‘the city that never sleeps’? Would it awaken to the call of  Self Realisation and Paramhansas eternal message?  Would Masters earthly representative get the welcome he and our  Gurus deserved?

Swami ji was content in just serving his Guru and devoting himself to spreading his teachings for the past 63 years all over the world, that he often joked ” Ananda is the best kept secret”. But it was so important that the world get to know and hear his message. Not given to histrionics and ‘celebrity endorsing’ antics, we at Ananda believed in following the ideals of our Masters. But would the world so accustomed to screaming averments  understand the integrity behind such ideas? This and other such thoughts clouded our minds. There was nothing we wanted more desperately than to have a packed theatre. Nothing less than this was good enough for Swami ji. Nothing lesser than a resounding welcome by Mumbai for Swami ji was what we were praying for and working towards.

On Hindsight..Such unfounded fears and anxieties. When the Divine has ordained and has willed Swami ji to represent him, only stupendous victory can happen and will happen! Those whose hearts were open to the call of Paramhansa, responded.

What a huge success it turned out to be! It was as if the vision emblazed on or minds had taken fruition, with nigh an absence of detail. The hall was packed to capacity,.. with a spill over.. A huge television screen was placed outside the auditorium in the lobby, to enable viewing of the event for those who weren’t lucky enough to get a seat inside.

Mumbai had welcomed Swami Ji with arms wide open.

                                             The Biography of Paramhansa Yogananda By Swami Kriyananda

A Must read for all Paramhansa lovers..hitherto unknown facts

revealed for the first time. His miracles, divinity and simplicity.

Yours truly along with Mr Narayan Swamy , a journalist devotee who had come down from Delhi just to help out with the event, were in charge of  one of the book tables. Strategically placed right opposite the entrance , we were filled with enthusiasm and gratitude to see the crowds come in on a Sunday evening , expectant, ready for the experience of a lifetime.

Even before the event could begin, crowds thronged our table. (more…)

February 28, 2011

Ananda Sangha – Paramhansa Yogananda’s Gift Of Paradise On Earth

Sri Sri Paramhansa Yogananda


As unsurmountable a task as it is to assimilate the ocean in a bowl, is this my effort to encapsulate the Love of Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda and their effort to better our world through Kriya Yoga and Ananda Sangha . May Master help me and guide me through.

Ananda – meaning Bliss, the will o’ the wisp longing that is ever eluding yet ever inviting. We live our lives in the eternal quest of happiness, delusionally believing it to sprout forth from the gardens of worldly pleasure without realising that it is not transient, deceptive happiness but  Bliss that the soul longs for. That ever lasting Bliss which was once rightfully ours but has been masked behind the layers of dark desires, never-ending and never gratifying either.

Decades after decades millennium after millennium we hapless souls trudge through this vortex of the world, which with its steely grip keeps us earth-bound while Satan smiles at having won each time in deluding us into believing  in the reality of  our existence with its saga of joys and sorrows, pain and pleasures , all the time ensnaring us in this duality.

We periodically want out, long for this crushing excruciating existence with transient and ephemeral promises of joy, that traps us , to vanish. Yet, all it takes is just a peek of another desire within reach and what vanishes instead, is this hitherto urgent need to free ourselves, now relegated into oblivion.

Yet there comes a time in the life of each one, when the veil lifts. The drama is revealed. The lack luster world is shorn thread bare once and for all, in the glorious, illuminating, divine  light of the Almighty,  gently waking us from this dream.  Soon we realise the folly of having lived birth after birth pursuing that which does not exist.

My quest for Truth and the mystery of my existence began in the eighties.


February 23, 2010

Chicken Soup For The Indian Romantic Soul

This is my fifth year into blogging. Life as a blogger has been rewarding both spiritually and emotionally. Spiritually because it re inforced my belief in the link /cord we all seem bound with, epitomised by the fact that those I have never met appear to be closely connected via a few taps on my keyboard  expressing my thoughts which resonate with a few from all corners of our world on Planet Earth.

Emotionally rewarding..very much so. Take this instance. On my fathers death anniversary since tears wouldnt flow, anguish took the form of a post which depicted the most enchanting and sublime Love story I had personally experienced and witnessed. The love story shared by my parents Dr. Chandar Oberoi and Promilla Oberoi.

Some time back the editor of the Chicken Soup series Raksha Bharadia mailed me her reactions to the story which she read on her own and requested for it to be published in the book.

On February 14th Valentine day the book ‘ Chicken Soup For the Indian Romantic  soul’ was released with my story among the others which make it an unforgettable, heart wrenching read. I am humbled that the story of my parents love has thus been engraved for posterity in the minds of all who read that book. It gives me immense peace coupled with a heartfelt gratefulness to the workings of the Divine spirit.

Please do pick up a copy…you wont regret it.

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September 2, 2009

Mother Teresa : Lets Keep The Lamp Burning

Filed under: Chicken Soup For The Soul,India n Me,opinions,Random — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 9:37 am
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Kaveetaa Kaul

Unlike the utterances at beauty pageants where our to be crowned aspirants have waxed eloquent time and again on Mother Teresa and her ‘LOVE”, statements which are designed to be politically correct, rehearsed and well mouthed, would like to clarify this one comes straight from the heart. Few have left me sobbing on their demise as was the case when Mother left our earthly plane. I knew it, felt it instinctively, that she was no ordinary human being. She was a saint, a thought which has been vindicated by her recent canonisation.

Her simple yet powerful averments need to be re visited especially in a world where love and family bondings, oneness and brotherhood are just meaningless inane words often summarily dismissed as emotional balderdash. Lets take a moment to think, envisage a scenario where love was a rule not an exception, compassion a given, harmony and laughter a routine followed piously. A world without fear and aggressiveness, overflowing with the milk of humaneness..

My favorite quote from the slideshow ‘ …if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more Love’. Great thought..which has arisen from personal experience. many of us may never even have recognised this sentiment enough to express it so simply, yet so profoundly.


May 15, 2009

Competitiveness – Bane Or Boon

Filed under: Chicken Soup For The Soul,opinions,personal,Random,Relationships — Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul @ 6:51 pm
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On a Goa beach, one lazy evening, with the sun in its glorious best, displaying brilliant hues, the sea energetically washing frothy waves ashore, a soft breeze bringing in refreshing salty spray ,life seemed calm, harmonious, almost perfect..when all of a sudden I heard the loud wails of my 6 year old son ( this was many moons ago). Hubby and me rose from our comfortable love seats, rushed to find a Japanese girl, maybe 10 or so, literally mauling him, throwing sand directly onto his face targeting his eyes. (more…)

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